A message from the conference organizer, Lee Novick, now Rabbi Leah Novick….

“Houston was the overture to the great symphony of American feminism in the 20th century.

That theme has been playing out in the Congress, the State governments and the Supreme Court.

It is apparent in the media, sports, law, academia. religion and our economic life.

The genius of Congresswoman Bella Abzug and the devoted IWY commissioners was in stimulating the activism of

thousands and beyond. The women of today are anchoring in the progress launched in Houston, despite setbacks.

Thank you.” Rabbi Leah Novick, https://www.rabbileah.com/

Diana Mara Henry

Diana Mara Henry is a nationally published and exhibited photojournalist, who is invited to exhibit and to speak around the country about her life in photography. She got her start in photography as Photo Editor of the Harvard Crimson and her work as official photographer for the President’s Commission on International Women’s Year is in the collections of the Smithsonian and the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. She is the recipient of grants from the NY State Council on the Arts, The NY Foundation for the Arts, the Schlesinger Library, the VT. Arts Council and the Ms. Foundation for Women. Photographs on this page are copyright by the photographers and artists. Please see the website dianamarahenry.com with requests for publication, exhibition, lectures and contact information.


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